by Donald | Dec 14, 2017 | Portfolio
Designed through third party software as an example of a simple eCommerce site for evening entrepreneurs. Stripe used as the credit card processor. It really works too; place and order and I’ll mail you and Avocado Tree Seed! Avocado Tree Seeds
by Donald | Dec 1, 2017 | Resume
Current: Marketing Engineer: Support clients through multiple channels regarding their website maintenance, email marketing campaigns, social medial post, blog articles, in-house gift certificate solution, analytics, SEO, and domain management including DNS. Act as...
by Donald | Nov 25, 2017 | Portfolio
Designed through third party software for my son’s YouTube channel. Inkscape used to modify CC01 images into custom icons. Be sure to like, subscribe, comment and share. Capta1n Mustard
by Donald | Oct 27, 2017 | Portfolio
This project was started after completing a website design that needed to be 100% HTML5/CSS3 and could not use any external sources like Twitter Bootstrap. There was no mobile responsive requirement so making the grid involved auto-height rows with percentage based...
by Donald | Mar 30, 2017 | Portfolio
One Can USA March 30, 2017 Portfolio Github Pages GIMP Landing Page PayPal YouTube One Can USA v0 was designed through Godaddy’s WYSIWYG but it wasn’t responsive on mobile devices and lacked the professional appearance that would be expected by...